Friday, October 28, 2011

चित्रगुप्त पूजा २०११

हमरा लेल चित्रगुप्त पूजा, हिनूमें उपस्थित होयब जीवनक प्रथम एहेन घटना छल
काल्हि साँझमे सत्येन्द्र मल्लिक आमंत्रण देलन्हि
मैथिली द्वितीय राजभाषा संघर्ष समितिक ओ संयोजक छथि हुनकास एही बीच सामीप्य बढ़ी गेल अछी
मैथिली संगठनक जातीय स्वरुपस हम चिंतित रहैत छि
मैथिली आन्दोलनक जड़ी नहीं पकडाबक एक प्रमुख कारण ईहो छैक यद्यपि शिक्षाक प्रचार प्रसार स ई भ्रम क्रमशः टूटी रहल छैक
मैथिली सबहक भाषा अछि २००१क जनगणना में करीब सवा कड़ोर मातृभाषा मैथिली लिखेलाह जकर आधा सेहो तथाकथित ब्राह्मण जातिक लोक मिथिलामे नहीं छथि
हम जातीय अनुष्ठानमें नहीं जैत छि मुदा अन्य जातिक लोक बजबथी जरुर जायब
चित्रगुप्त भनहि कायस्थ पूजित होती ओ लेजः जोखा सबहक करयबला छथि
परम्पूरूषक कायास उत्पन्न चित्रगुप्तक पूजा सब दिन हम तर्पण करैत काल करैत छि हुनक १४ नाम क संग तखन ओ कोना भेलाठी कोनो जातिक देवता?
पूजाक अंत में एक पन्ना पर अपन आमद खर्च लिखी देल गेल सब लोक सरकार जाका घाताक बजट सलाई आ रंग स लिखलाह- आई कलम बंद रहैत छनि कायस्थक- मुदा ब्राह्मण कंहा रक्षाबंधन दिन अपन काज बंद राखैत छथि
हम कह्लियेन्ही जे भगवान् चित्रगुप्त पाप पुन्यक लेखा जोखा करयबला छथि
टका पाइक मामला कुबेरक छनि जिनक पूजा लक्ष्मीक संग दीपावलिक विधानतः होइत अछि आ संगही ओहि दिन राजा इंद्रक सेहो- ओ दूनू के स्वस्थानं गच्छ कहल जैत छनि
लागैत अच्छी धन्वन्तरी पूजनक घाइल क बदला लोक जेना बसन खरीदैत अच्छी अमृत के बिसरी तहिना ई भेल अपन पाप पुन्य के बिसरी आय व्यय के लेखा कोखा आ ओहो गल्तान्ही
की अंहक झूठ चित्रगुप्त महाराज लग चलत?
मुदा की ब्राह्मण सेहो रक्षा बंधन क ऐना करताह- एक जातीय पर्व के मना के ? आनहु कोनो कोनो जातिक विशेष पर्व होइत छैक व ओका रपट लगा ओहि में सबके शामिल हेबाक चाही
सत्येंद्रजी कहने छलाह जे केन्द्रीय पर्यटन मंत्री श्री सुबोधकान्तजी सेहो रहताह आ विधान सभाक अध्यक्ष श्री सी पी सिंघजी
राती में एकाएक ध्यान आयल जे सीता सर्किट बला डाटा सुबोध्कंत्जीके देबाक छल आ २ बजे राती तक जगी मैथिलीमे त्र्य्पे कायल के हिन्दी में केलान्हू आ आई ओकर प्रिंट ले गेल छालान्हू
अपन व्यस्तता में किछ्वे मिनुत मंच पर छलथि मुदा बगलमे बैसल हम हुनका प्रारूप आ आमंत्रण देलियेन्ही आ किछु मिनुत बात
शायद एहिसब संयोग लेल हमरा सन किनको मंच पर बजायब फलदायी महज पाग दोपता क सम्मंक आकांक्षा नहीं अच्छी- से बहुत भेल जतेक काज केने होयब ओही स अधिक ठाम ठाम
फरीदाबाद जाइत छलन्हू तखन सेहो हर बेर कोनो ने कोनो नेता के मिथिला राज्यक लेल सामग्री देत छाल्न्हू- अहू बेर मैथिली सन्देश हुनका देल जाहिमे मिथिला राज्यक बात छैक लिखल
विधान सभाक अध्यक्ष श्री सी पी सिंघजी हमरा बड़े भाई कही संभवतः अपन अखिल भारतीय विद्यार्थी परिषदक दिन चलते संबोधन केलाह वा हमर उदल केश देखि !

डॉ. धनाकर ठाकुर
प्रवक्ता , अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मैथिली परिषद् 09470193694

Dr. Dhanakar Thakur
Antarrashtriya Maithili Parishad

Deepawali 2011

Deepawali 2011
After many years during Deepawali I was at Ranchi.
Since 2002 I mostly used to got to Delhi's Sarita Vihar and Faridabad Kali Puja with an intention to see many Maithils.
Lately I found that Sarita Vihar has changed its face from Maithili to Bihari and initial lectures stopped.
It was because Maithils there thought to have some more gathering by calling non- Maihtil Biharis too which should have been checked initially on my warnings and that lead to Hindi usage and later changing format of the programme.

Faridabad youth have become old still they are continuing instead they should have transferred to new generation.
Still I love their gesture to me and dedication.
This year Deepawali in mid-week day would have amounted many day's leaves and hence I preferred not to be out. I did fast and in the evening had Puja reading from the Varsh Kritya.
it is Puja of Laxmi- Indra and Kuber in the pradosh( 1 h 12 minutes from sunset) and of Kali in midnight(Nisheeth) which I could not do as I had some viral upper respiratory tract infection induced fever.
In the last prahar( 3-6 am) ther in the Maithil tradition is Sukhraatri by Maithils main lady of the family by slapping SOOPs- daridra bahar jay..Laxmi bheetar abaithi..
Though I was awake at 3 am I did some computer filing worker till 5 am when other members of my house were asleep.
At 4 am from Muzaffarpur, Shardanand Jha's SMS was received and I replied him too, incidentally I was awoke though he had this yogic venture a routine.
From Patna a journalist met me in the JNU many years back called .Amlemdu works with AAJ at Patna and is a cousin of my cousin sister's son from Ojhaul
Today greeted Col IN Jha from Gujarat who was active at Kota and will work for Mithila in futre.
Last year I was at Kanpur on that day.

Many Maithils have sent SMS, mails and some have called also.
I wish all of them and others through this mail the same gaiety in their lives.

सीता सर्किट और मिथिला सर्किट sita cuircuit and Mithila cuircuits'

केन्द्रीय पर्यटन मंत्री श्री सुबोध कान्त सही को अभी अभी चित्रगुप्त पूजा, हिनू में सीतामढ़ी में सीता सर्किट और मिथिला सर्किट बना पर्यटन को उद्योग बनाने के लिए दिया हूँ.
अपने संक्षिप्त भाषण में उन्होंने मिथिलावासियों की बड़ी की की वे झारखण्ड में रहकर भी विशिष्ट ढंग से चित्रगुप्त भगवन की पूजा करते हैं और सीता मैया की जन्मस्थली के विकास की बात सोचते हैं

सीता सर्किट की बात मैं २० वर्ष से उठा रहा हूँ पर २६.३.२०११ को श्री सुबोध्जी ने मुझे सून तुरंत इसकी घोषणा की थी . आज उसका प्रारूप उन्हें प्रस्तुत कर दिया गया है और उन्हें सीतामढ़ी आने का निमंत्रण भी दिया हूँ
डॉ. धनाकर ठाकुर
प्रवक्ता , अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मैथिली परिषद् 09470193694
Just now during Chitragupt Puja at Hinoo, Ranchi , the sita cuircuit and Mithila cuircuits' details were submitted to the Union Tourism Minister Shri Subodhkant Sahay which can booster tourism like an industry in Mihtila(Bihar)
In his brief speech he praised Mithilavasee who celebrate Chitagupta puja with such distinction and even living in a remote Jharkhand care for the birthplace of Mother Seeta.

At dais I could get this opprtunity to interact with him for a few minutes for this subject which he had promised at the HEC, Ranchi on 26.3.2011 which I had been proposing for the past 20 years which he announced at once in his speech there that he would make /Seeta cuircuit.'

I also gave him an invitation to visit Seetamarhi

Dr. Dhanakar Thakur 09470193684
Antarrashtriya Maithili Parishad

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Today is Rashtriy Chikistak Divas s the Dhanwantari Jayanti-

Today is Rashtriy Chikistak Divas which the NMO calls the Dhanwantari Jayanti- usually people know it as Dhanteras, remembering the pot in which Amrit was brought by Dhanwanatari forgett the Amrit itself.

NMO in its early days(in 1980s) started to celebrate it, howeve4r agterwards some persons persuaded the IMA to celebrate Dr.BC Roy's birth and death day 1st July as 'Doctors' Day.'
I have great admiration of Dr. Roy but at the same time reservations too..if so then why not on the first Indian medical graduate of the Medical College,Kolkata and then who amongst them from that batch- the eldest or youngest?
Even Dr. BC Roy would have loved the proposition of Dhanwantari Jayanti for this day which would have been applicable to all pathys.

The fancy of naming some person for such days is endless eg. Dr. Radhakrishanan's birthday as Teachers' day, celbrated in schools where Radhakrishanan never taught. Some psycophants asjed him and he himself prosposed so( if a modern teacher was to be selected Bal gangadhar Tilak was far appropriate or Mastarda Sury Sen of Chattgram- still our Bengal is 'Paschimobanga' and Mastarda fought for whol Indian nation though Gurupurnima or Vyaspurnima has been in Indian mind for this day and cannot be altered by governmental orders.

Likewise Children Day for Nehru's birthday as was communicated by his father Moltilal Nehru when he was ad-hic president when Jawahar was in jail.

For science Raman's birthday seems no controversy as he was not a political man but then why not JC Bose's? After all Noble have been denied to many and his contribution was in modern day more weighty.

I read once Ram Manohar Lohia had said no person's name be added to any such thing/ institution/ towns unless 300 years have elapsed.

I am sorry. even the RSS people have forgotten this norm and have jumbled up their pratah smaran with myriads of names(though have left Vidyapati likie great poet and warrior with Islamic hordes).

Anyway , today I got up raly morning to have my daily sandhyavandan-tarpan, Panchdevta puja and added for the Day Lord Dhanwantari without telling to go like that of Lord Vishnu whom we never say to go.

It sgould be celebrated when kartik Krishna Trayodashi falls in the morning like tha tof any bath related PUrnima-Sankranti etc.(I feel if that is on two days first day should be taken as birth of the Lord- why He will wait?).

However Dhanteras is to be celebrated when this Trayodashi falls in the evening (as done for Deepawali also)however if it falls on two such days later day's evening is to be taken like that of Pradosh Trayodashi or Chaturdashi of Lord Shiva.
Pradosh is 3 ghadi time इए 72 मिनुतेस after sunset(a muhurta (मुहूर्त) is equal to 2 ghadiyas, or approximately 48 minutes ).( a day is of 60 Ghdis). Many Pamchangs have wrongly put the day on 24rd evening as Dhanwantari jayanti with Dhanteras but in one Hindu Chetna calendar I found 25th today as correct as this morning had some 2 dand 6 pal Trayodashi.

2.5 danda==>1 hr
1 danda---> 24 minutes
60 pal--->1 danda
Interestingly in Hindu system there is no AM/PM but

From sunrise to 1.5 prahars is called Purvanha, then one prahar is madhyanha, then one prahar is aparahna and in then half prahar of evening is Sayanh.

For some festivals pradosh is taken (not the morning tithi which is usually taken) like in the holikadahan, Shardpurnima's Laxmi Pooja..

Probably I ma digressing but let me say that in the Bhagwad one second's 1040th part is taken as the initial unit of time..

Let us have proud in our heritage
Happy Rastriy Chikitsak Divas.
Dr. Dhanakar Tahkur
Organising secretary, NMO

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

११ अक्तूबर जय प्रकाश नारयण क जन्मदिन

११ अक्तूबर जय प्रकाश नारयण क जन्मदिन
याद रह्लैन्ही रंचिक सनत कुमार मल्लिक्के जे जे पी विचार मंच चलबैत छथि
हमारा बहुटी पहिने कहने छलाह
समय नहीं रहितान्हू महामनाक नाम पर निकलल आ
शशि बइकेस ले गेलाह
कार्यक्रम देरस भेल आ हमारा अस्पताल नहीं पंहुचक अपराधबोध -ओहो टी ब्रस्ताचार अछि
झारखण्ड विधान्सभाद्य्क्षस मधु कोडाके आ आन अधिकारीके जेल पथ्बय्बला दुर्गा ऊराओं आ आन आ र टी कर्यकर्ताके सम्मानित करोल गेल
प्रेम मित्तल बजलाह, सत्यनारायण, सछिदानंद आ मित्र सूर्यमणि
मुख्य वक्ता सरयू रायके जे पशुपालन घोटालाके उजागर केलाह कथन छलनी जे पाई घूस कोना विदेश तक गेल आ कोना ओ ३६००० पेज क सबूत जुतौलाह बतौअलाह
मुदा १९९० स चुनावमे जितबाक समर्थ्य्शालीके टिकट देबाक गलत परंपरा आ चुनावी भ्रस्ताचार सब स पैघ
जय प्रकाश के याद करैत ओ हम्रंहू याद कलह लागैत छलनी जे हमरा सेहो वक्ता हेबाक छल मुदा हमर ओही क्षेत्रमे ओतेक काज नहीं मामूली छल
विधान सभा अध्यक्ष चंद्रेश्वर प्रसाद सिंह अपन पहिल चुनावक समाया खर्च स आब क आ आन प्रांत क तुलना कएलाह
भ्रष्टाचार एक प्रवृत्ति अछि से ओ ठीक कहलाह
पैघ भ्रष्टाचार पर बहुत बात नहीं होइत अछि
अडवानी सेहो यात्रामे लिकलालाह अछी - हमर कक्काक कंरीय छथि ओ काज में मुदा एतेक उम्रमे सक्रीय
अन्ना उठलाह, रामदेव सेहो
मुदा अन्नक मित्र सबके आर एस एस क नाम स परहेज कियैक
यदि कियो नीक काजमे सहयोग दिये टी स्वागत हेबाक चाही?
जे पी स एक गलती भेलानी- युवा अताल्के प्रधान मंत्री संसदक गुप्त मतदान स करा बनक छलनी
मुदा सता लोलूप्क बीच जे भेल से देखल
जे पी क सिपाही में अनेक भ्रष्ट भेलाह?
मुदा ताहि स की? ओ सन जे नीक काज केलाह तकर अनुसरण करी
अपन वासना के कम करी आ टखने ई बीमारी दूर होयत
धनाकर ठाकुर

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

welcome short medicine course

I am happy that Govt. of India has approved three and half yeras Bachelore of Rural Medicine and Surgery (BRMS) which is the new name of the old LMP like degree I had been advocating for introduction since 1980s.

Though I had wished it a base course after which student could opt for any pathy- MBBS, BAMS, DHMS etc. yer it will be a milestone in the delivery of medical services to the far flung areas.
It will need name change soon as by 2050 India will be half urbanised and hence rural urban divide will no longer work; in cities and metros slums will outnumber 'healthy' villages.

Dr. Dhanakar Thakur, 9470193694
Founder & Oranising secreatary, & Founder,National Medicos Organisation(1977)
Founder,& Spokesman Antarrashtriya Maithili Parishad(1993)

Only a kalidas like Maithil may cut the branch of the tree whereupon he/she is seated--

I am not a leader to attract crowd like that for Telangana statehood but some leader will come on surface- workers' may meet me..
I know it is very difficult to get workers who are selfless and egoless and that too among Maithil community where everyone thinks superior.

I am still happy if anybody work at his/her own, hiowever those who want to work with AMP are welcome.

Many youth are not happy with Mithila movement and it only proves that Kalidas was a Maithil. Only a kalidas like Maithil may cut the branch of the tree whereupon he/she is seated-- (and therby will not like Mithila state and will see submerged and become identityless remaining in BIhar).

There are some spoilers; some lost hearts and some equivocal- remeber I met everyone of such during my solo sojourn and if some wants leave in the way is his preference; for me it will be as if he did not meet me..

For me it was after many years that I amd doing Puja in a proper way- yet tomorrow I will start after comleting Navmai paath and home..without waiting for Jayantis to be cut..

I will be reaching JJhanjharpur 6th morning- will move roundabout villages on 6th and 7th,if bike is available or will visit some places by public transport.

8th 11 am Jhanjharpur meeting

8th 4 pm Darbhanga meeting

9th 11 am Benipatti meeting- near PNM Komal K Jha's premises

9th 4 pm- Madhubani Goulwali mandir 4pm

can contact me on mobile for exact venues-

Dr. Dhanakar Thakur 9470193694
Antarrashtriya Maithili Parishad